Bloody hell

There Will Be Blood (SPOILERS)

Finally got round to watching this last night. Bloody good film too. Daniel Day Lewis plays a self-made oil man with a bit of a vicious streak. But when the Priest got battered at the end, I was actually glad. He was really, really annoying. And I’ve never seen a bowling pin used as a murder weapon.

American Apparel

I read this earlier in the week, and it looks like American Apparel is in trouble. But the chief exec, Dov Charney, sounds like a dude. Firstly, he treats his mainly migrant workforce well. He pays them double minimum wage, and refuses to move production to cheaper markets. The problems are in part caused by a raid which found a third of his workforce didn’t have the correct papers, and they were deported. However, every sacked worker has a job offer should they get the correct documentation, and he gave them all his personal email address. Pretty sound chap. Secondly, he calls females ‘sluts’, doesn’t apologise for it, and sometimes attends board meetings naked. DUDE.

The xx

An earlier video didn’t work. Here’s another:


U2 had to cancel. Boo-fucking-hoo. I would’ve gone for a ticket if Gorillaz were on the line-up from the start.

Crappy week

This is all.

Alastair Campbell

Likes (to my surprise) Alicia Keys!

In other news:

-Tuna steak is good.
-Running feels good.
-This is the man in charge of one of the ten largest economies in the world:

Does my dick look small in this?

Right, I’m off to close the window. Ta ra fuckers.